Boring and drilling contractor in perth Horizontal Directional Drilling, Microtunnelling, Auger thrust boring
HDD is a steerable drilling method
of installing water, sewer pressure
main, power, communications, fire water, stormwater, landscape
reticulation and gas pipelines when slight line and grade variances are acceptable.
Pilot Tube Microtunnelling is a laser guided drilling method used in displaceable soils when line and grade needs to be precise such as for gravity sewer and drainage.
We are horizontal boring contractors specialising in the installation of underground utilities in Perth, Western Australia.
We specialise in two methods of Trenchless Technology;
• Horizontal Directional Drilling
• Pilot Tube Microtunnelling
We have a track record of completing projects to a high standard in difficult working conditions and strive to offer a high quality service that meets our customer’s needs.
Our team is highly committed to safe work practices that meet industry standards and thus have policies and procedures in place that cover safety, the environment and quality. Our employees are all industry specific trained and certified.
Leon DeLuis the Owner/Manager of Bullseye Boring started his career in horizontal boring in 1993 and has over 30 years of knowledge, skills and practical experience in horizontal boring and can offer you a level of service at the highest standard.
We look forward to providing you with a competitive quote.
For any inquiries or questions, please call: Leon on 0407775335 or alternatively if you prefer to contact us via email please fill out the form below and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
To apply for a job with Bullseye Boring, please send your C.V. to: admin@bullseyeboring.com.au